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The Teaching Your Toddler Podcast

Jul 5, 2021

Welcome to the Teaching Your Toddler interview with Mental Health Communication Expert Bob Krulish who will tell us some warning signs to watch for that can signal your child may need some mental health support.   

Bob Krulish is the author of the book about his own personal struggle with bipolar disorder called When Screams Become Whispers: One Man’s Inspiring Victory Over Bipolar Disorder (Morgan James Publishing, June 2021)

Today he will speak to us about the 4 warning signs your child may need help and how to recognize these signs.

Bob is on the board of his local NAMI chapter. NAMI is the National Alliance on Mental Illness an is the largest grassroots mental health organization in the country. He has spoken at their national conference and is certified to teach their In Our Own Voice program.

He struggled with his illness undiagnosed and untreated for 35 years. It cost him his career, family and financial stability. His book tells the story of how he rebuilt his life after all this destruction. He is now a coach for parents who need to know how to managing their child’s mental illness.

Please check out his website here.

Mentioned in the show:

Children’s Uniform Mental Health Assessment

For all the links mentioned in the show, please go to our website for this show here

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